Teresa Ackerly
Fayetteville, GA
Studio Hours
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00
Sunday 11:00 - 5:00
I began painting at the age of five, when I received my first oil painting set. My love of creating was ignited and has continued throughout my life. I hold a degree in Fine Arts from Bard College.My work has been shown at The Tivoli Artist's Co-Op and The Woodstock Artist Association in upstate New York. I also owned a gallery, The Last Detail, where I showcased local artist's works and worked making hand painted furniture. I am currently based in Faetteville, Georgia, wanting to be closer to my children and grandchildren. I have a foundation and passion for oil painting, but have worked in many mediums, including collage, acrylic and encaustics. During the 2020 Covid pandemic, my art shifted when I began painting acrylic mandalas on rocks for my garden. Finding it very meditative, I expanded the "dot" paintings and mandalas onto canvas, creating powerful landscapes in bright colors. This style of painting has become my focal point and has expanded in size, intricacy and subject matter.
Studio Location
126 Odith road
Fayetteville, Ga 30215
During the tour
Teresa will be:
demonstrating her lastest painting in progress
describing her techniques
answering any questions you may have