Denise Prince | Fiber Artist
Tyrone, GA
Studio Hours
Saturday 9:00 - 5:00
Sunday 11:00 - 5:00
My mother was a self-taught seamstress. She was amazing! She taught me to sew when I was 8 years old. I learned the difference between knit cloth and woven cloth at a very young age, and through the years I would find myself returning to sewing. I took the plunge and learned to knit in my early forties and then went on to learn to spin yarn and weave cloth. I find myself thinking a lot about my mom when I am creating. She taught me so much more than the differences in types of cloth and how to sew a straight seam. She learned to sew with a pattern and a sewing machine. No YouTube. No one to guide her. A pattern, a machine, and her own initiative. When I'm stuck on something I can hear her saying, "Go on. You can figure it out."
Studio Location
242 Kirkley Road
Tyrone, GA
During the tour
During the tour guests will find handwoven items to adorn both their body (scarves, shawls, and a variety of vests and other finished garments) and their home (pillows, wall art etc). In addition they will find hand knit items; silk scarves that are hand dyed; handmade purses and small bags; items with personally digitized and machine embroidered designs. We anticipate having a loom or two for guests to sit and weave and a variety of "table talks" about how specific items are made. In addition, the local spinning group will be at the studio on Sunday of the tour demonstrating spinning and answering questions.